WW1 Cross of Sacrifice

WW2 Garden of Remembrance
Tunbridge Wells Cemetery War Graves
Within the Tunbridge Wells Cemetery there are war graves from the two world wars. At the two entrances, green plaques have been placed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) to signify War Graves exist within the Cemetery. In the lower half of the Cemetery, two Crosses of Sacrifice (CoS) are maintained by the CWGC, which indicate in both world wars more than 40 war graves are situated nearby.
At the outbreak of WW1, no planning or preparations had been made about where or how to bury the deceased service personnel arising from the conflict. A view across the Cemetery from the WW1 CoS clearly shows, the random nature of the burials alongside those of ordinary citizens.
The Tunbridge Wells Corporation (TWC) was not alone as a local authority in deciding not to have a reserved section for war graves.
At the time of WW1, the cost of a burial was for the family of the deceased alone to deal with. A person, including servicemen who did not have a family, was buried by the TWC as paupers in common graves. In section C14, not far from the WW1 Cross of Sacrifice, a number of soldiers are buried in common graves. A CWGC Headstone marks where they are buried but within the grave itself are also other people who were buried at public expense. Indeed, shocking to us today, in one grave there are six people buried, one of whom was a very young child.
In total, 73 WW1 servicemen from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa and the United States of America lie in the Tunbridge Wells Cemetery. The majority of graves have a CWGC Headstone but the others are commemorated on local families headstones.
In other towns that had VAD’s to care for wounded Soldiers and Sailors, the local population insisted all military burials should be made together, whether they had a burial at public expense or by a family. Hastings Cemetery has such a WW1 Section due to the efforts of a band of very strong willed activist women. There was no such pressure put upon the Tunbridge Wells Corporation in 1914 by local residents.
When War threatened again in mid 1938, the IWGC instructed all local authorities with Government support to make plans for segregated sections to be planned in their cemeteries, into which all future war dead would be buried at public expense.
All war dead would be placed in a single grave with no other deceased person. All War dead would have an IWGC Headstone placed upon the Grave unless the family declined to have one.
In the Tunbridge Wells Garden of Remembrance every grave has a Portland Stone Headstone. There are a few graves in the sections close to the Cemetery Chapels who were buried into family graves and are commemorated on the family headstone. The CWGC have taken on the responsibility of maintaining these family headstones when they have been notified no family of the deceased now exists.
The full details of all the War Graves in the TW Cemetery can be found in the two publications published by the Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery. ‘Remembered’ listing all the War Dead of WW1 and ‘Remembered Two’ listing the War Dead of WW2.
Both books are priced at £7.00 to include P&P and can be purchased through the Publications section of this website
Peter W Blackwell JP DL
March 2022
WW1 Casualties
A4 (consecrated)
Capt.Spencer Hickley, Royal Navy
Maj. Geoffrey Meugens, Tank Corps
A11 (consecrated)
Capt. Richard Burton, RASC
Lt. Thomas Graham, MC, Seaforth Highlanders
B1 (unconsecrated) Cpl. William McCall, Army Pay Corps
B2 (unconsecrated) Rifleman Frederick Woods, Rifle Brigade
B2 (consecrated) L/Cpl. Victor Parsons, Royal Engineers
B3 (consecrated)
Staff Sgt. Ben Ashcroft, ASC
Gunner Charles Baldock, RFA
2nd Lt. Reginald Bourner, RAF
Pte. Frank Charlton, Royal Sussex Regt
Capt. Godfrey Dunn, Kent Cyclist Regt
Capt. Robert Dunn, Lincolnshire Regt
Driver Cleveland Horsey, Royal Engineers
Maj. M. Sefton Purdey, Army Remount Service
Pte. Allen Sykes (alias Roberts), Canadian Inf.
B4 (consecrated) Pte. Reginald Douch, RAMC
B9 (consecrated)
Cpt. Charles Roberts, ASC
Sapper Edward Rush, Royal Engineers
B12 (consecrated)
Pte. Herbert Edwards, Middlesex Regt
L/Cpl. Maurice Pickett, Royal Engineers
Capt. Henry Talbot, DSO, Royal Navy
C1 (unconsecrated)
Pte. Ernest Kidd, Middlesex Regt.
Pte. William Martin, Royal Sussex Regt
C2 (unconsecrated)
Writer 3rd Charles Bench, Royal Navy
Pte. Henry Fayeres, ASC
Pte. Norman Schofield, RAF
C5 (consecrated) Cpl. Albert West, ASC
C5 (unconsecrated)
Pte. William Byrnes, Australian Infantry
Pte. Joseph Holland, Royal Warwickshire Regt
Pte. Joseph McManus, King’s (Liverpool) Regt
Pte. James Wood, Machine Gun Corps
C12 (consecrated)
Pte. William Andrews, Royal West Kent Regt
Driver James Baird, ASC
Pte. William Carson, Royal Sussex Regt
Pte. Reuben Crowhurst, Middlesex Regt
Pte. Sydney Eckett, Royal West Surrey Regt
Pte. Albert Field, ASC
Pte. John Giles, Royal Sussex Regt
Pte. Charles Heathers, Canadian Forestry Corps
Pte. Jack Houghton, Royal West Kent Regt
Pte. Edward Jarlett, Royal West Surrey Regt
Pte. Edwin Kempton, Royal Sussex Regt
L/Cpl. Amos Martin, Royal Sussex Regt
Cpl. Charles McKenzie, Canadian Forestry Corps
Sgt. Arthur Packham, Canadian Army Pay Corps
Pte. Reginald Sherwood, Royal West Kent Regt
Pte. Edgar Simmons, Royal West Surrey Regt
Pte. Victor Thorpe, RASC
Pte. Frank Vaughan, The Buffs (East Kent Regt)
L/Sgt Victor Viner, Royal Engineers
C13 (consecrated)
Pte. Charles Dedman, East Surrey Regt
Sgt. Thomas Skipper, DCM, Royal West Kent Regt
C14 (consecrated)
Pte. Albert Allen, the King’s (Liverpool Regt)
Pte. Frank Baker, ASC
Pte. Thomas Bone (alias Townsend), R West Kent Regt
Pte. Douglas Bradshaw, Australian Infantry
Driver Albert Carter, Royal Engineers
Pte. Sidney Goddard, London Scottish Regt
Pte. Sydney Goldsmith, London Regt
Gnr. Jack Graham, South African Heavy Artillery
Driver Arthur Hallett, RASC
Pte. Thomas Hicks, Royal West Surrey Regt
Sapper Charles Hollamby, Royal Engineers
Lt. Joseph Lancaster, Lancashire Fusiliers
Pte. Frederick Langridge, RASC
Able Seaman George Reader, RNVR
Pte. Edward Schofield, Royal West Kent Regt
L/Cpl. John Sharp, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Inf.
Rifleman James Shaw, South Lancashire Regt
L/Sgt. Frederick Simmons, Royal West Kent Regt
Pte. John Styles, Dorsetshire Regt
WW2 Casualties
Second World War Garden of Remembrance (Section C18)
Corporal Horace Athill, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Fusilier Reginald Bateman, Royal Fusiliers (City of London)
Flight Sgt. Henry Bovingdon, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Gunner Ernest Briggs, Royal Artillery
Sgt. William Burnett, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Sjt. Henry Chapman, Royal West Kent Regt.
Cpl. James Crebbin, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Flight Sgt. Victor Dadson, Royal Canadian Air Force
L/Cpl. Thomas Daly, South Lancashire Regt.
Warrant Officer Patrick D’Arcy, RASC
Signalman Albert Dorrington, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Stanley Duffett, RAMC
Pte. Cecil Foreman, Pioneer Corps
Pte. Arthur Gould, Pioneer Corps
Capt. Lionel Hatchard, General List
Fusilier Francis Heavey, Lancashire Fusiliers
Cpl. Oscar Heffernan, RASC
L/Cpl. Caleph Howse, Pioneer Corps
Sjt. Harold Jenner, Pioneer Corps
Craftsman Albert Jones, REME
L/Cpl. Eric Knight, Royal Horse Guards
Pte. John Linnington, Royal Sussex Regt.
Major Thomas McAdam, York and Lancaster Regt.
L/Cpl. George McCaffry, Royal Ulster Rifles
2nd Lt. Samuel Orr, Royal Artillery
Pilot Officer William Osterstock, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Pte. Henry Oswald, South Lancashire Regt.
Cpl. John Ramsey, Royal Engineers
Pte. John Robinson, Lincolnshire Regt.
2nd Lt. John Searle, Royal Tank Regt. RAC
Pte. Edward Smith, Pioneer Corps
Gunner Oliver Stevens, Royal Artillery
Pte. Clifford Tapp, Hampshire Regt.
Trooper Wilfred Tompkins, Royal Tank Regt. RAC
Pte. Harry Tompsett, Royal Sussex Regt.
Staff Sjt. William Waters, REME
Pte. Donald Wickens, Royal West Kent Regt.
A4 (consecrated) Sgt. Francis Henderson, RAF Volunteer Reserve
A7 (consecrated) Sgt. Richard Hickmott, RAF Volunteer Reserve
A9 (consecrated) Aircraftman George Purvis, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Wren Ellinor Banting, Women’s Royal Naval Service
Wing Commander John Fowke, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Flying Officer Bruce Thomas, RAF
B7 (unconsecrated) Volunteer Harry Woolgar Home Guard
B16 (consecrated)
Aircraftman Stanley Crouch-Baker, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Flight Sgt. Kenneth Goodsell, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Pte. Walter King, RASC
Gunner Bernard Sinfield, Royal Artillery
Cpl. William Stack, Army Catering Corps
B19 (consecrated)
Sgt. Leopold Bastian, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Flight Sgt. John Gibby, RAF (Auxiliary Air Force)
Warrant Officer Frederick Reed, RAF Volunteer Reserve
C2 (unconsecrated) Driver Frederick Bateman, RASC
C3 (unconsecrated)
Sgt. Nevil Luker, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Aircraftman Robert Morris, RAF Volunteer Reserve
C6 (unconsecrated) Aircraftman Edward Gornall, RAF
C16 (consecrated) Aircraftman Philip Burton, RAF Volunteer Reserve
C17 (consecrated) Chief Motor Mechanic William Tawse, Royal Navy
C19 (consecrated)
Sgt. Frederick Beale, RAF Volunteer Reserve
Pte. William Dyer, Lincolnshire Regt.
Colour Sjt. George Ings, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regt.)
Pte. Kenneth Rhoades, Royal West Kent Regt.
Warrant Officer Henry Richardson, RAF Volunteer Reserve