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Your Stories

If you would have a story you would like to add, please contact us

George Abbott - Worthies

William Andrews - Photographers

Elizabeth Ashmore - Nurses

Ernest Russell Ashton - Photographers

Thomas Barton - Worthies

Thomas G Batting - Photographers

Ambrose Batting - Photographers

Thomas GN Batting - Photographers

Rachel Beer - Nurses

Benedetto Bianchi - Worthies

James Bishop - Guardian Angels

George F Blandford - Interesting Memorials

Gladys Boorman - Guardian Angels & Nurses

William Brackett - Worthies

William Brentnall - Worthies & Brentnall

Emma Jane Brett - Guardian Angels

Hudson Broomhall - China Missionaries

Alice Broomhall - China Missionaries

Madam Caballero - Interesting Memorials

Lucy Card - Nurses

Joseph Chamberlain - Photographers

Frederick G Chamney - Photographers

Elizabeth Cheeseman - Guardian Angels

Collins Family - Interesting Memorials

Iris Constable - Guardian Angels

Henry Cousens - Photographers

William C Cripps - Worthies & Interesting Memorials

Thomas Cripps - Interesting Memorials

Henry Hickman Cronk - Worthies

Theophilus Harris Davies - Interesting Memorials

Dorothy Dennis - Nurses

Alfred Diggens - Worthies

William Diggens - Worthies

Dunn Family - Guardian Angels

Matthew Andrew Edwardes - Worthies

Thomas Edwards - Worthies

John J Embery - Worthies

Charles W Empson - Interesting Memorials

Arthur Fairbairn - Interesting Memorials

Alison & James Fairbairn - Interesting Memorials

George Featherstonhaugh - Interesting Memorials

Georg Frost - Worthies

Elizabeth Gall - Interesting Memorials

George Glanville - Photographers

Arthur Glanville - Photographers

Robert Vaughan Gower - Interesting Memorials

Pauline Gower - Interesting Memorials

Ellis Graber - Photographers

Queenie Hayden - Guardian Angels & Nurses

John Hemsley - Forgotten Poor

Lewis Hepworth - Photographers

Arthur Hepworth - Photographers

Eliza Hogg - Interesting Memorials

William Hogg - Interesting Memorials

Frank Houghton - China Missionaries

Dorothy Houghton - China Missionaries

George W Howard - Nurses

Gladys Howard - Nurses

George Humphrey - Forgotten Poor

Charlotte Humphrey - Forgotten Poor

Frederick Hunnibell - Worthies

Lily Jackson - Forgotten Poor

Samuel Payne Jenkins - Photographers

David J Johnson - Photographers

Lazarus Jones - Forgotten Poor

Frederick Judd - China Missionaries

Edith Judd - China Missionaries

Albert King - Forgotten Poor

James Leckie - Guardian Angels

Charles F Lutwidge - Worthies

Frederick Manser - Worthies

Blackall Marsack - Worthies

Hippisley Cunliffe Marsh - Interesting Memorials

Charlotte McFarlane - China Missionaries

Lewis Meyer - Interesting Memorials

William Noakes - Worthies

William T Noakes - Worthies

Alfred Noakes - Worthies

Minnie Parsons - Guardian Angels

Lavinia Penn - Forgotten Poor

Pauline W Peter - Nurses

Horatio Pink - Worthies

James Richards - Photographers

William Howells Rix - Worthies

Alexandra Roberts - Nurses

Henry P Robinson - Photographers

Ellen Selina Scott - Interesting Memorials

Lewis J Seargeant - Interesting Memorials

Anita Semadeni - Guardian Angels

Marshall Slatter - Forgotten Poor

Francis Gray Smart - Photographers

James Smith - Worthies

Ada Smith - Nurses

Gertrude & John Snelgrove - Guardian Angels & Interesting Memorials

Fanny Stevenson - Guardian Angels

Norman D Straton - Interesting Memorials

Edith Stunt - Nurses

Ernest Sweetman - Photographers

Emily Swindale - Nurses

James Hudson Taylor - China Missionaries

George RR Turner - Photogrpahers

Olive Grace Walton - Interesting Memorials

Ebenezer Waymark - Worthies

Robert W Weekes - Worthies

Edward Westbrook - Worthies

Harry Wild - Photographers

Nellie N Windmer - Nurses

© 2022 by Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery at Hawkenbury, England.  HMRC Charities Ref number EW36118

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